It’s been a long time with you. Over two decades. Was that enough time to know you? Maybe. But maybe even another decade or two won’t be enough. Because there is more to you. Always. I see it when I look into your eyes. When I see you smile. There is something hidden. But we will surely find out. Soon we will.

Right. You love words, don’t you. Using them simply for communicating with others, but when alone, intricately yet carefully arranging them. That is your understanding of a good time. I have come to know. Ambiguity in language. But I know how it weighs you down how words never cease to escape you when it counts. They are up for a round of hide and seek. Fortunately, you are a seeker. For a lifetime. You will find the words and the meaning behind them. Also, the meaning behind that which is not said. You will learn to put words next to each other. Brick by brick. You will learn to build. An architect you are. Building an empire. And you will be better. So be at rest. Things will be rebuilt and they will fall into place – and you will find your place under these stars.

Speaking of stars, you love them, don’t you. They are beautiful. The light in the darkness. So far, yet so close. All connected. All intertwined with the trees and flowers you love so much. Their roots, intertwined too. Like yours. With them. What is the connection, you may ask. It’s good that you ask. Here is your answer: Flowers were created beautifully. Created by the One who created you. Their colors and scents. For you, aren’t they. A letter for you. From Him. To recognize Him. To be grateful to Him. To know the beauty He has created in the skies and on the earth and the knowledge of the beauty which you have not seen yet, in fact, no one has. That’s where you want to be. But flowers. What are they without stars. They wouldn’t exist. Why? Because flowers are dependent. Why? Let me remind you that the sun is a star too. Do you see the connection now? If the sun wasn’t there, flowers also wouldn’t. The One who has created the stars is the One who created the flowers. And you. For you to shine and to bloom too. The One we need to show gratitude to – for the stars – is the One we need to show gratitude to – for the flowers. Only to Him belongs all gratitude and praise. Let me remind you again: nothing, not the sky with its stars, not the earth with its vegetation, none of them were created without a purpose. The same applies to you. You were created with a purpose. You are here for a reason.

This reason is your purpose.

I want you to understand the value that has been given to you. Your place under these stars. It is yours alone and no one other than you will ever be able to fill it. So I want you to be your fullest self, and become all that you can of greatness – to reach your potential and exceed even your own expectations. When it comes to others, they don’t even think about the stars, so why should you think about them – and try to live up to their expectations. Why should you. Right. You shouldn’t. You don’t need their artificial light, when you have the sun to show you the way. I want you to know that you already have everything you need. Everything you need for greatness, you have it. Some of it is inside of you, some of it around you. Everything. Use it.

I thought I understood who I was. But I didn’t. It seems as though I have built an identity on shaky grounds – not a firm foundation. I have built walls up high to feel protected. I would meet people outside of my fortress, never truly letting anyone in.

The dark rooms and corners were avoided. The doors were locked, the keys were thrown away. But the earth quakes, the ground shakes and the walls come down eventually. For a palace to be built in light of truth, integrity, honesty, authenticity and so much more.

I never wanted people to know my weaknesses, but for you, I lay my armor down. Do you still see me for who I could be? It is vulnerability that I was dreading and therefore avoiding. Letting someone in and see the mess I have kept hidden. Even from myself. But there you are. The architect. That you let me be.

Now, brick by brick, it’s about reconstructing. Patience it takes. And a vision – of the potential, opportunities, possibilities. I wonder. So many things. Am I lost in translation again?

Jedes Wort ließ die kalte Gefängnismauer ahnen, hinter der diese Leute sich selbst eingeschlossen hatten. Mir war, als sähe ich das Antlitz des Schicksals plötzlich vor mir.

Du alte Beamtenseele, Kamerad an meiner Seite!

Nie hat dir jemand den Weg ins Freie gezeigt, und du kannst nichts dafür. Du hast dir deinen Frieden gezimmert, indem du wie Termiten alle Luken verschlossen hast, durch die das Licht zu dir drang und durch die du zum Licht schautest. Du hast dich eingerollt in bürgerliche Sicherheit, in Gepflogenheit, in die erstickenden Bräuche deines Provinzlebens. Du hast ein bescheidenes Bollwerk aufgerichtet gegen Sturm und Flut und Gestirne. Du willst dich nicht mit großen Fragen belasten; du hattest ja genug zu tun, dein Menschentum zu vergessen. Du fühlst dich nicht als Bewohner eines Sterns, der durch den Weltraum irrt, du stellst keine Fragen, auf die du keine Antworten bekommst; nein, du bist ein braver kleiner Bürger von Toulouse. Als es noch Zeit war, hat keiner dich mitzureißen versucht; nun ist der Lehm, aus dem du gemacht bist, eingetrocknet und hart […].“

– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry – Wind, Sand und Sterne